Thursday 5 June 2008

Cbs - Schieffer Wont Retire After All

CBS News President Sean McManus has apparently persuaded Bob Schieffer to put his
retirement plans on indefinite hold. Schieffer had originally said that he planned
to retire after the presidential inauguration in January. Then he said he would continue
to host Face the Nation but "reduce my schedule a little bit." Today (Monday)
the Washington Post reported that Schieffer had signed a new long-term deal
with the network. The newspaper said that with Katie Couric's future as host of the
CBS Evening News in doubt, McManus wants Schieffer to be ready to fill in for
her as an interim anchor. Schieffer has played that role before, following Dan Rather's
departure from the program. In fact, he boosted the ratings of the program during
his brief tenure. They have since plummeted following Couric's arrival.


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